The Ultimate what to pack for hospital checklist!

The Ultimate what to pack for hospital checklist!

"What should I pack in my hospital bag?" is something every mother-to-be will ask at some point in their pregnancy, especially toward the end. All too often, we end up packing things we don't need, or forgetting essentials. To help you pack for hospital, we asked OHbaby! members what was in their hospital bags -- what was most useful, what was nice to have, and what little indulgences made things easier. We've prepared the ultimate hospital bag checklist for you to print out and tick off, as well as listed the items below if you want to create your own checklist.

Remember to pack your bag well in advance -- at least three weeks prior to your due date is ideal, and six weeks if you are super-organised. Have it ready and waiting in the car or by the front door. And don't forget to make certain you know how to install the baby's capsule well before your due date. There's nothing more frustrating than wrestling a carseat into the car in the hospital parking lot when all you want to do is go home!

Download and print our Ultimate Hospital Bag Checklist (PDF).

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